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The law of suppressing lust

 The law of suppressing lust

The Law of Restraining Lust

Did you know that you are human? And every human being has lust and recklessness, and that the soul commands evil, and that Satan keeps inviting us to immorality. We must create a law of restraint, but we do not need to do it, and God has guided us to it, so praise be to God for His grace. God has commanded us not to approach immorality, and He has not commanded us. We can only avoid it the moment we fall into it, and the secret of the law is that if we stay away from the path of immorality, no one will be able to force us to do it while we fall into it if we approach it from its path. For example, you know that there is a city in which immorality abounds, so set a red line at its borders and forbid yourself from approaching it, and occupy They told me the story of a young man who received a big promotion at his work, but he spent money on his pleasures and immoral things. He spent years in that city without saving any money, and he deviated greatly, so he decided to To leave his job and go to another city, and they gave him half of what he had previously earned. Then his brothers and friends rebuked him and said to him, “You are wasting your work and going to work in a place with less respect and less salary.” But I advised him to start his new job, because if he did not abandon immorality and stay away from it, he would perish, and this was the right thing. And we, O Most Generous One, must begin to establish an automatic suppression law when we feel threatened by any work or place that makes us disobedient people with no good in them. From the book Life Skills by Ibrahim Al-Shamlan
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